Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Following reflections

Typed in “reflections on shadows” for an internet search and a book came up about Saul Steinberg’s life, titled “Reflections and Shadows”. Steinberg created drawings and covers for The New Yorker for many years, including “View of the World from 9th Avenue,” one of The New Yorker’s most popular covers. Steinberg was born in Romania, lived in Italy, and later had to flee for his life due to the dangerous political climate during World War II. Along with his New Yorker drawings, he also created art in a wide range of media and was part of a Museum of Modern Art show with artists such as Robert Motherwell, Isamu Noguchi, and Arshile Gorky.

It’s fun following a thread of interest started by one thing – like a photo -- that leads you to something new, totally unexpected.

The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes.
— Saul Steinberg


Katie said...

Great looking reflection (and I like the shadows on the side of the house). How interesting that "reflections on shadows" led to you Steinberg. I've enjoyed his New Yorker work for years; now I'm curious to know more about his life. And I'll be sure to live by his "avoiding boredom" words -- sounds like a good purpose to me!

Ms M said...

His life sounds very interesting; the book is an "as told to", so it as if you were listening to him talk.
He experimented with different kinds of art (examples on his website); made masks, sculpture, mixed media. Didn't see any mosaics, though. :-)