Yes, the sky and weather were conducive to oatmeal then, Shell. Now, it's blue skies and hot, like it usually is here in August. :)
Katie, We had some moderate storms with some wind, some thunder and lightning, but nothing serious. The clouds were magnificent though! I hope the fog has cleared by now in your town :)
Ours is clear as can be, now. Yours is still very conducive to the oatmeal, Ms M. Enjoy...
At least your clouds are more interesting than our fog and general overcast. Any good storms?
Yes, the sky and weather were conducive to oatmeal then, Shell. Now, it's blue skies and hot, like it usually is here in August. :)
Katie, We had some moderate storms with some wind, some thunder and lightning, but nothing serious. The clouds were magnificent though! I hope the fog has cleared by now in your town :)
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