A few things I've found on the web...
The Williams College Museum of Art is opening a new exhibit of early works of Andy Warhol, including several pieces featuring shoes. One description: "A parade of 14 hand-colored lithographs of shoes – always alone, never in a pair…" (this is before the Campbell’s soup can era)
WCMA is also featuring an exhibit with an intriguing title, "The Moon Is Broken: Photography from Poetry, Poetry from Photography." The work of regional poets, inspired by the photos of such photographers as Eugene Atget, Julia Margaret Cameron, Man Ray, and Walker Evans, are displayed with the photos. "The museum encourages contributions of original poems inspired by these works for inclusion in a reading this spring," says the info on the website.
One of the new exhibits at the Museum of Modern Art features Canadian artist and photographer, Jeff Wall. If you go to the site you can view an online exhibit of his work (useful for those of us who live some distance from NYC).
Another online exhibit available on MoMA features the work and life of Venezuelan artist Armando Reveron. He not only did numerous unusual dream-like paintings, but built the curious "El Castillete" (the little castle), where he lived and worked most of his life.
A different kind of art can be seen on the pages of Space.com, where there are two galleries of fascinating photos of the McNaught comet taken by various people throughout the northern hemisphere.
Enjoy the journey...
My paintings are not about what is seen. They are about what is known forever in the mind.
– Agnes Martin
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