Friday, May 08, 2009


Have a “reflective” weekend -- and a glass (or two) of good wine…

In water one sees one's own face;
But in wine one beholds the heart of another.
~ French proverb


Katie said...

I really like the "painting" inside the mirror frame, as well as that mirror! Very ornate, and an interesting shape. I did have a very reflective weekend, spent mostly with my mom. I took her out for dinner on Saturday night (beating the Mother's Day rush on Sunday lunch) and we each had a few glasses of good local wine. Funny - we did each behold the heart of another!

Ms M said...

What you've written is lovely! To behold the heart of another...
So glad you and your mom shared that.

I love that mirror, too. It's on the enclosed porch of a house we sometimes pass during walks.