Sunday, May 31, 2009

Evening a-glow

Coming on sunset at Camel’s Back Park.

There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with a heart.
~Lao Tzu


Anonymous said...

a path with heart
across a camel's back
makes of our neighborhood
a painted, painterly compass
pointing to
what our hearts
solace in the form of

Ms M said...

Always a path with heart, Anon. Thank you :>)

Katie said...

These colors are just spectacular! You sure know how to find the golden hour for taking photos.

Ms M said...

Thanks, Katie. These hills take the sunset and turn it into magnificent art, and sometimes I'm lucky enough to be there at the right time with camera in hand :)

Petrea Burchard said...

Magnificent shot. Wow. You could hang that in an art museum.

Ms M said...

Thank you, Petrea. It's wonderful to be able to share it with all of you. :)

Petrea Burchard said...

I hope you don't mind. I'm having to use it as my desktop for a while. I can't stop looking at it.

Ms M said...

Petrea, No, I don't mind at all. :)
Right now, I have one of Eric's photos as my desktop, the one of the double rainbow and Eiffel Tower.
