Saturday, September 29, 2012

More "Scare-y" characters

Man on the moon (Neil Armstrong)

Bob Marley

And another perspective of Bob Marley

The Cola Man

And finally, a real Scare-y character....

Martin Luther


Anonymous said...

old dour door-nailing hawker, straw
man re
former -

centuries later,
dread you sought to re

becomes dread
locks on bobbing head of
Bob Marley who under

stood with one
guitar strum what your

failed to clarify: just
one love
love, one heart


dive said...

To which I can only respond with a very dated and clichéd "Right on, Anon."
The Martin Luther scarecrow is great fun, but the mind that thought it would be a good idea belongs to a very scary person. If they moved into my neighbourhood I'd pack my bags and head for the airport.

Love the Neil Armstrong scarecrow; I'd like on of those for my front lawn.

Shell Sherree said...

They really have been very creative in coming up with these! Definitely not your average garden variety scarecrows. Happy Sunday, Ms M!

Ms M said...

Dive: Yes, Anon's poem is "right on". And there are some scary people that live around here. The Neil Armstrong scarecrow would make a spiffy addition to anyone's front lawn.

Shell: The scarecrows are very creative and fun to walk through. Many different characters. I'm glad you've enjoyed them -- and hope you and Ella had a happy Sunday! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, ML will keep the crows away. I want the Cola Man as a yearlong installation in my backyard.

Margaret said...

Martin Luther! What an intellectual group of scare crow makers.

Ms M said...

We loved the Cola Man, too. He would make a splendid backyard decoration.

And, yes, the ML scarecrow would make any crow think twice before landing ;-).
A religious school created his likeness for the Scarecrow Stroll.

There were several interesting historical characters represented beyond what I have posted so far, such as Rosa Parks and the discriminatory bus driver, Albert Einstein, John Wayne, and Sacajawea.

Petrea Burchard said...

I love the whole idea of the Scarecrow Stroll. I think Boise is progressive, both strolling-wise and in its choices of whom to make scarecrows of.

Ms M said...

The Idaho Botanical Garden is very creative in what they come up with. They have a lot of fun and educational events. The Garden is a great organization!
The Scarecrow Stroll is open to any person, business, classroom, or group that wishes to enter a scarecrow.