We've actually had some sunny weather the last couple of days, which is a nice change.
But I feel for those of you dealing with the monster snowstorm in the U.S., and the horrific cyclone that hit Australia. I've never experienced a cyclone, but, growing up in the Midwest, I remember many times of freezing rain, ice, high snow drifts, closed roads.
When I was a teen, an ice/snow storm blew in. The next day I walked outside into a crystalline landscape. Ice coated the trees, bushes, building, fences, and glistened in the overcast daylight. Snow covered the ground. Every so often the sun popped out, and everything sparkled like jewels. The boughs of our giant pine tree had been shaped by the ice into a strange bird. Sadly, a couple of our fruit trees had split down the center of their trunks from the weight of the ice; like they had been "quartered". I crunched through the frozen crust of the back yard and took photos of the ice and light patterns. I don't have the photos anymore, but I do remember how icicles glistened in the sun as they hung from the wire fence.
And a crystalline memory...one that makes me thankful for our weather, however:-)
becoming weathered? not
age's fate entirely, in your teens
precious ice crystals
skated across your memory,
light creases, pine into
unknown bird in flight -
so in old new photos image
positions you in any weather with
rock-hard cool
Thank you, Sheila :)I am also thankful for the weather here. I had plenty of ice, sleet and snow when I lived in the Midwest.
Anon, thank you for your crystalline words... :)
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