Saturday, May 15, 2010


As seen during a Sunday morning walk.

Just for fun, I looked up an "anagram generator" online:

Antique shop = opaque hints

Hyde Park = had perky

Putting it together....

The antique shop had perky opaque hints. But, nope, it wasn't open.

Bonus: Did you know "Sunday morning" = "I'm sunny dragon"?

Hope you and your dragon have a sunny Sunday....


Visions said...

Very fun! I love the photo and your bit of creative thinking to "generate" a smile provoking message.

Katie said...

What a delightful scene. Very funny way to say "not open" without having to use different letters than open. Clever! Have you been into this antiques shop before? I'm now very curious to see what's inside! Fun anagrams. I checked out the anagram generator and my name yields" A Key Triumph". Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Ms M said...

Thanks, Sheila! It was fun to "play" a little. :)

Katie, Thanks! There are several shops around town that are using the "open" "nope" thing. I haven't been in this shop; I need to check it out. It's relatively new.
When I did the anagram generator with my name, I got "Wryly man none." I like yours better. :)