Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An apple a day...

News, like apples from a tree…

An international panel of pilots and government officials want the U.S. to reopen investigations into UFOs because they say there are too many unexplained sightings of mysterious flying objects.

Some scientists in Oregon claim they have cloned monkey embryos. Meanwhile in New Delhi, squads of monkeys are overrunning the city and attacking people.

A Wisconsin police officer accidentally Tasered himself. And a guy in Washington got frustrated trying to loosen a lug nut and blasted the wheel with a shotgun, injuring both his legs. Hopefully he’s not employed at the local tire store.

A task force of Idaho legislators are discussing legislation to "keep families together." In their view, "single parent homes, most often headed by a woman, are driving up rates of drug abuse and crime." So they propose doing away with no fault divorce and trying to "find ways to keep mom at home," among other things (instead of working on legislation that would actually improve life for Idaho residents). Here’s a quote from one of these intellectual giants: "Divorce is just terrible," Rep. Dick Harwood, R-St. Maries, said. "It's one of Satan's best tools to kill America."

Maybe we should send for that police officer with the wild Taser. Or better yet, the attack monkeys.

^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

I tell you, all politics is apple sauce.
-Will Rogers

Why not upset the apple cart? If you don't, the apples will rot anyway.
-Frank A. Clark

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