Sunday, May 04, 2014

Blooms and blossoms

Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.
~Rainer Maria Rilke

Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.
~Rainer Maria Rilke, "Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke"


Anonymous said...

all-at-once color
riots, as a child
enters a Rilke poem
as isolated moments of petals
opening until
those moments carnival
into over
arching profusion -
in a second a single simple scene
& earth
a blazing night

dive said...

Blooming beautiful, Ms.M.
I love Anon's vision of the flowers as stars, a mirror of the night sky. Wonderful.
My somewhat less poetic mind just sees an orgy of rampant floral rutting all over the landscape.
Pretty, though.

Ms M said...

Splendid poem, Anon! xxoo

Thank you, Dive. Anon thanks you, too. It HAS been an orgy of blooms this year.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how pretty -- stone fruits and apple blossoms, maybe?

Margaret said...

So beautiful. And no topless maids, which makes it infinitely superior to where I am.

Ms M said...

Karin, I think they may be apple and cherry blossoms. I love when the petals look so delicate.

Margaret: Just boring blossoms here; nothing as exciting as pink vans of topless maids.

Petrea Burchard said...

I'm glad they don't shriek. Being noisily beautiful is fine. These are lovely.

Margaret, where are you? I read today about topless book clubs...

Ms M said...

Petrea: I like noisily beautiful also.

So now there are topless book clubs, too? The heat must be affecting people in strange ways....

Petrea Burchard said...

Here's the link, and be forewarned:

Ms M said...

Well, I guess you could say those are "blooms and blossoms" of a different sort....

sonia a. mascaro said...

So beautiful flowers!
There is a lack of flowers in my garden... The ants are so hungry around here...

Ms M said...

It's too bad the ants leave you with few flowers! I hope more will bloom for you during the season.