Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fowl Play

It was sooo cold that...
Actually these are faux swans. They are supposed to frighten the geese away from the pond.

And you can see how well that works....

Cranky duck?

Look closely. Is he giving the "evil eye"?

Outta here!


dive said...

Great title, Ms.M. and a wonderful set of character portraits. Cranky Duck gave me the giggles.

Anonymous said...

Geese may be a little messy, but they delight me.

Ms M said...

Cranky Duck gave me a laugh, too, Dive.

Hiker: I enjoy the geese even if we have to watch where we walk. There have been a lot of them lately. When I got home tonight, there was a small cadre of them on my neighbor's yard.

Shell Sherree said...

There's no pulling the wool over the eyes of geese. Lovely scenes, Ms M. Happy weekend to you.

Petrea Burchard said...

I love them all, even the fake ones. Great photos.

Ms M said...

Shell: You're right. The geese know "faux" when they see it. Happy weekend to you, too!

Petrea: Thank you. :-)

sonia a. mascaro said...

Just amazing that they are faux swans. They look real.
Great photos of the geese.
Have a pleasant weekend.