Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Watch the birdie

So many birds -- so little time....


dive said...

The best kind of reality TV.

Petrea Burchard said...

Boz ignores them. He even ignores squirrels. Then again, he can't ignore a cat.

Anonymous said...

An egret? It's such a fine balance. I love my birds, and I love a couple of visiting cats. I feed the cats and try to keep them fat and happy.

Ms M said...

Dive: Yes, Bird TV is the best kind of reality show. Lately, we've also had quail stroll through the back yard.

Petrea: Boz must have a lot of self control to ignore squirrels! As for cats, perhaps he thinks they're "uppity"?

Karin: Actually our cat is an indoor-only cat. And she seems perfectly content to lounge atop her cat tree and watch out the windows. So the birds are safe from her. The 2nd photo is a blue heron. He was standing by a little stream, fish hunting.

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't know what created Boz's interests and disinterests in other animals. He's mad about other dogs, especially little ones. Cats intrigue him--I think he wonders if it's some kind of dog he doesn't understand.

Ms M said...

Yes, I can see how Boz might think a cat is like a small dog. But one that doesn't bark and makes odd, undoglike sounds. Not to mention sharp claws.

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a great photo of the blue heron! Just amazing these birds on the roof. Are they wild ducks?
Your cat looks contemplative...

Ms M said...

Hi Sonia, And thank you. The ducks on the roof are wild ducks. A creek is nearby and they like to hang out there. My cat is probably thinking that her food bowl is empty, and wondering why her people haven't remedied this?