Thursday, March 21, 2013

Oh deer....

Here I am relaxing, enjoying the sun after a nice breakfast.

But then Trevor shows up, all neurotic about seeing a few people along the path.  "Trevor," I say, "this is a PARK. We're SAFE. There's always gonna be people. Get used to it!"

But, nooooo, he just can't relax. So it's back to the underbrush -- again....


Shell Sherree said...

What a sweetie! And I love your new blog look, Ms M. Nice and fresh for spring!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's so sweet. Or rather, dear.

Margaret said...

That Trevor. Sigh.

Ms M said...

Shell: It was amazing coming upon the deer sitting serenely, glowing in the sunlight.
And glad you like the new blog look. It was time for a change.

It is a dear deer, isn't it, Hiker...

Margaret: That Trevor's always been such a worrywart.

dive said...

Okay, so who doesn't go "Aaaah" at the sight of such cuteness?
Lovely, Ms.M. Looks like spring is on its way in your part of the world

Ms M said...

Hi Dive, yes, this gets the "cuteness award" for the day. It is beginning to seem like spring here. We're keeping fingers crossed because last week it turned back to winter and snowed.
I hope spring is peeking through in Norwich.

sonia a. mascaro said...

So lovely!

Ms M said...

Sonia, they were lovely to watch.