Saturday, November 24, 2012

From a feline point of view

I see all these people rushing around, going shopping....

I'd rather go mousing.

You herd them until they're going in circles...

Then you circle in on a nap.


Shell Sherree said...

Herding mice is hard work. She's so beautiful, Ms M!

dive said...

Okay, I give in … I'm going to be grinning all day now. Your supercute cat has sucked all the testosterone from my body and left me going "Aaaaah."

Love the rug, by the way.

Ms M said...

Yes, Shell, she takes her mousing seriously. And she often "arranges" her mice while playing with them, like in the photo. She's a sweet, beautiful girl.

Dive, I fell into "cute kitty photos" syndrome -- what can I say? :-) The way she has her feet stuck out in the last photo makes me laugh.

Margaret said...

Very sweet--and so much less crowded than the mall.

Anonymous said...

I think it's perfectly acceptable to nap after a job well done.

Ms M said...

Yes, Margaret, mousing is much less crowded than the mall :-)

Karin: she's a professional napper, especially after mousing.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Just adorable!

Ms M said...

Thank you, Sonia -- and thanks for stopping by!