Friday, April 01, 2016

Buds, blooms, and birds

Lovely warm weather and so many blossoms! Songbirds are back - singing their exquisite songs. Watched a hawk circle, soar, with sun shining through its wings. Later it swooped over our back yard and perched in a tree, groomed its feathers, scanned the scene before taking off into the sky.

And as the shadows of evening approach, the neighborhood ducks nap in the remaining rays of the sun.


Petrea Burchard said...

Exuberant buds and budding ducks. Sweet!

Anonymous said...

I know this wasn't/isn't your intention, but over the years, you've sold me on Idaho. It's on my short list of -- If I move, what about here...

Ms M said...

I like how you wrote that, Petrea, "exuberant buds and budding ducks" Yes! :)

Karin, the Boise area has a lot of good points, particularly for outdoor recreation. Lots of parks, the foothills, a small ski area, miles of greenbelt along the Boise River. For the most part, it's a safe place to live and has a lower cost of living than many places.
On the downside, Idaho is extremely conservative politically. It's a very "red" state run by an overwhelming majority of conservative to extreme Republicans.
But Albert would feel at home - lots of dogs and "dog people" here :)

sonia a. mascaro said...

LOVE the photos of buds, blooms and birds!

Ms M said...

Thank you, Sonia! (Spring has been much better for photos than winter).