Thursday, February 25, 2016

Taking a break....

My friends, I'm taking a break from my blog for a while, as I'm being pulled in other directions. But Heidi Kitty will keep an eye on things while I'm "on leave".


Petrea Burchard said...

I know the feeling, Ms. M.

Ms M said...

I know you do, Petrea. Thanks :-)

sonia a. mascaro said...

Have a nice break, Ms M.
I am glad that adorable Kitty will keep an eye on things while you are "on leave".
Many hugs. :)

Anonymous said...

I can relax if Heidi Kitty is keeping an eye out for things.

Ms M said...

Thank you, Sonia. Many hugs to you, too :)

Karin, Yes, we're in good "paws" with Heidi Kitty watching over things. (She lives next door, but makes herself at home in our back yard, the front steps, and on the roof....)