Thursday, August 13, 2015

Duck crossing and dust bathing

It's time for a change of scene 


Ducks on the move. Perhaps "the grass is greener on the other side"? 

Also -- tonight we happened to witness a flock of sparrows taking dust baths (another way they clean their feathers). I wasn't able to get photos or a video - but if you're curious to see them in action, click here for a short YouTube clip. 


Petrea Burchard said...

Sweet duckies! Looks like you got pretty close to them.

It's hard to catch the small birds at their dust baths. I see them all the time in our back yard, but I'd have to have a decent telephoto lens to catch a picture. They fly off fast when you move. Even Wilma doesn't try to catch them.

Anonymous said...

Just the photo I need to see, as it's going to be in the triple digits today.

Ms M said...

Petrea: The ducks are used to people being around, so if you are still and quiet, they just go about their business. It was fun watching them "march" up the creek bank and across the street.
A person would have to be well-prepared to be able to catch the birds dust-bathing. The ones we saw were also skittish; would fly away at the tiniest little sound.

Karin: Glad the ducks and water brought some "relief" to your trip digit day! We've had triple digits here lately too, along with some serious range fires. Ready for some rain and cooler weather!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Idaho was subject to that...

Ms M said...

Idaho is high desert and often hits triple digits during late summer. And there are usually range or forest fires every summer. But sometimes we get some of the "Pacific Northwest" weather, too, which includes more rain.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Great photos of cute duckies!
Love seing the "Group of House Sparrows Dust Bathing" clip.
Have a lovely Sunday! :)

Shell Sherree said...

Such sweeties !! But I'm glad I don't have any living nearby ~ I don't cope well with watching them crossing roads. I'd have to get a candy striper costume and spend my days shepherding them to safety. ;) Have a beautiful weekend, dear Ms M, and hugs to you and Macie.

Ms M said...

Thank you, Sonia. I enjoyed the clip, too. So interesting to watch.

Shell: Yes, it is a little nerve-wracking when they cross the road. I've been known to stop traffic until they've made it across....
And hugs to you and Ella!