Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The willows have it (mostly)

Willow trees against a "cloud dance" sky 

Some trees haven't acknowledged Spring yet. But the willows have. 

Golden glow in the late afternoon sun. 

 A pear tree, also into Spring 

Willow peeking between dark trees 

And now for something completely different: I finished the shrug! 


Anonymous said...

Not enough water here for true willow trees -- I miss them.

Petrea Burchard said...

Shrug in time for spring!

Ms M said...

Karin: I would miss them terribly if they couldn't grow here.

Petrea: Yes, I shrugged my way into spring...;-)

Shell Sherree said...

Those clouds are gorgeous, along with the willow trees. And a chic shrug, too ~ that's impressive, Ms M !!

Ms M said...

Shell: Thank you. I so enjoy taking photos when the trees, plants and cloud are feeling "spring". I'm pleased with how the shrug turned out, being it's my first one. It's comfy to wear. :)

Shell Sherree said...

You should indeed be pleased with your first shrug, Ms M ~ and so practical, too. x0

sonia a. mascaro said...

Wow! The shrug is beautiful!
Love willow trees, they are gorgeous and pear tree too.
Have a Happy Sunday!

Deb said...

Lovely photos and great shrug!

Ms M said...

Thank you, Shell. I'm pleased with how well the shrug came out, especially being my first big knitting project.

Sonia, I hope you and your family had a wonderful Sunday! And thank you for your kind comments. I knit the shrug using strands from 2 different yarns, knitting the strands together. It was fun.

Debs, Thanks for stopping by, and for your comments!

Pietro Brosio said...

Very nice views!

Ms M said...

Hi Pietro & Cynthia, thanks for stopping by!