Sunday, January 25, 2015

January: Night, Day, and the Liminal

Foggy night

Downtown lights

Geese in the afternoon


And sunrise


Shell Sherree said...

What a lovely mix of skies and scenes, Ms M ~ and how about those geese. Such a glorious formation. I hope you and Macie have had a lovely weekend. x0

dive said...

Utterly beautiful, Ms.M. You make me want to move to Boise.

Anonymous said...

contrary to common sense strictures
fog deepens perception - sans mist you'd think city panorama
all metallic edges
catching glare - instead
misted city mirrors cloud
textures -
when clouds dissolve
city blocks renew
as places where seeds
spring up -
all those strange lives
thriving on
emerging from
curtains of mist

sonia a. mascaro said...

All photos are gorgeous, but the geese in the afternoon and the sunset are my preferred!
Hope you have a lovely week. :)

Petrea Burchard said...

We sometime see geese here, and they fly in formation. But there are only a few of them and it's not as dramatic as your gorgeous picture.

Ms M said...

Shell: Variety is good -- we've had so many foggy, grey days here lately, I needed some varying scenes. The geese did their part in creating a picturesque formation :)

Dive: These scenes are wonderful to experience living here -- but you'd absolutely hate the politics. Especially right now, as the legislature is in session...

Vivid, rich poem, Anon -- Thank you! xxoo

Sonia: Thank you! I hope you have a lovely week, too.

Petrea: The geese are quite active lately. This morning while I was outside (in a parking lot downtown), several gaggles flew over, honking fiercely. There must have been 50-60 geese. Amazing to see!