Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking toward the new year

Macie's been watching... the old year passes.

May 2015 bring us all many blessings


Shell Sherree said...

Oh, aren't you all gorgeous !! Happy New Year, dear Mary ~ here's to love, laughter and friendship.

sonia a. mascaro said...

So beautiful and so happy the picture of both of you!
Love too the photos of Macie watching the old year passing and the gorgeous roses.
My best wishes for 2015 to you and your family!

Petrea Burchard said...

Wonderful photos of you all. Happy new year!

Ms M said...

Oh, thank you, dear Shell! Yes -- here's to love, laughter and friendship all around!

Hi Sonia, Thank you, too! May you and your family have a wonderful 2015!

Ms M said...

Hi Petrea, looks like we "crossed" in Blogville replies. We had fun taking our "double" selfie. :-)
I hope the new year has begun in a positive way for you, John and Wilma. Cheers!

dive said...

What a wonderful portrait, Ms.M. Two wonderful people (and a cute cat). I just want to hug you all.
Here's to a fabulous 2015.

Ms M said...

Thank you, Dive! Hugs to you, too xxoo

Anonymous said...

You both look so happy!

Ms M said...

Thank you Karin. We had fun taking "selfies".