Sunday, December 08, 2013

Take Five....

Starring Schlumbergera Zygocactus...

Otherwise known as Christmas Cactus

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.
~Aaron Rose


Petrea Burchard said...

Oh beautiful. Please tell me how to take care of it. Mine isn't doing so well.

Diane said...

Your Aaron Rose quote is SO true, Mary, and your photos illustrate it beautifully. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yours are polite and punctual. Mine keep me waiting long past Christmas. Love how you caught their delicacy.

Margaret said...

So pretty. It must be such color in your cold and wintry world

Ms M said...

Petrea: We water it and give it lots of sun. It's a miracle it's still alive and blooming since neither of us has a green thumb.

Diane: Thanks! That quote speaks to me, too.

Karin: It does seem to be punctual, although I have no idea how it knows. I love how the petals like glowing tissue paper.

Margaret: Thanks -- and we do need the warmth of the color with the frigid weather we've been having.

dive said...

Woah! Piiiiiiink!
Gorgeous, Ms.M.

Ms M said...

Hi Dive. Yes PINK is the word on this one.