Friday, July 26, 2013


Monday morning. My office building faces this street (the building's on the left).
We knew the cross street (beyond the Road Closed barrier) was scheduled to be ripped up.  A new road will be put in, with new sidewalks, crosswalks, lights, and such.

But what we didn't know was that OUR street was also to be ripped up. After some tense negotiations between the Project Manager and tenants of our office building, an agreement was made.  They would only tear out half of the street at this time, so we all could continue to do business.  The other half would be torn out at a later date and we would actually be given advance notice first....

Nothing like clouds of dust, piles of rubble, and the rumble and roar of machines all day, all week.
Although there are some who find it fascinating.....


Anonymous said...

Are there any cute workmen? Good eye candy can make anything better! ~jenny

Barbara Herrick said...


sonia a. mascaro said...

Ripped our street bring us such inconvenience... But a new road, with new sidewalks, crosswalks and lights, sounds good!

Hope you have a pleasant weekend.

Anonymous said...

That last pix is so cute. The kid is dying to move some dirt.

Ms M said...

Jenny: The guy running the giant shovel -- maybe. Otherwise, not this time around. ;-)

Barb: "Yow" is right!

Sonia: Yes, once the work is completed, it will be nice. I hope you have a good weekend, too!

Hiker: There were several boys who came by to watch. And they were fascinated -- definitely wanted to move some dirt.

dive said...

This reminds me way too much of the start of the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy. Look out for large, yellow lumps in the sky.

Margaret said...

That is hard work those guys (and gals I suppose) are up to. I respect them. It does sound a bit of a hassle for you guys thought.

Ms M said...

Dive: You're right. I've been nervously watching the sky ever since....

Margaret: The crew seem pretty efficient using their giant machines. The guy handling the shovel is good, a real pro at hitting right at the precise point.
But it IS a hassle for us with parking, getting in to the building, large clouds of dust in the air. Constant noise and shake from the machines. We'll be relieved when they are done.

Petrea Burchard said...

When I was a kid I lived in a neighborhood that was, for a time, in a constant state of being built. I loved it. I'll bet my parents didn't.

Ms M said...

I remember a new highway being constructed by the farm where I grew up. My brother was fascinated with the earth movers. It was interesting to watch how it came together. My parents weren't thrilled with trying to get in and out of the driveway, though.