Thursday, April 04, 2013

Follow the leader

Walk this way...

and don't mind the shadows -- or the fact that we're being watched.


Anonymous said...

I just love these guys. (And now I'm going to have that song in my head all day.)

Shell Sherree said...

Heh, very sweet! Happy weekend to you and Macie, Ms M.

dive said...

Goose-stepping. Yay!

sonia a. mascaro said...

They are lovely!

Love your new template. So beautiful!

Margaret said...

Duck ,duck...goose.

Ms M said...

Hiker: These two were definitely on their own path. (Yes, that phrase unfortunately brings up that song....).

Shell: They were fun to watch -- and were watching me. (And we had a good weekend :))

Dive: All they needed was some music.

Sonia: Thank you!

Margaret: All we needed was a duck for "goose, goose, duck" :-)