Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Red against green

As seen several hours after a storm.


dive said...

What gorgeous colours.
Japanese maples are fussy things; they don't like storms, frost, eastern exposure and they're real picky about soil, but they sure pare pretty.

Shell Sherree said...

Very pretty, Ms M! My grass doesn't look like that at the moment...

Anonymous said...

Great complementary colors and delicate patterns. Wish mine looked this healthy!

Ms M said...

Dive: I love all the variations of red in the leaves on the background of the green grass. We planted a miniature Japanese Maple this spring; so far it looks happy. We'll see how it does when the summer heats up.

Thank you, Shell. My grass doesn't look quite like this either. :)

Thank you for stopping by, Anon. I wished my grass looked that healthy, too!