Wednesday, May 04, 2011

River view

Spring is slowly appearing along the Boise River (many more leaves have come out in just the past few days). For those of you who live elsewhere, the Boise River runs through town. The river level is mainly controlled through flood gates at the Lucky Peak Dam which is east of Boise. For some people, it's not "officially spring" until the flood gates are opened and the "rooster tail" of water roars into the river.  

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water
 — Loren Eiseley


Shell Sherree said...

Such a lovely word picture you've painted, Ms M. I can almost hear that rooster tail roaring.

dive said...

Me, too!
That's a beautiful, scene, Ms.M. I love the little eddies in the water. With the branches only just starting to green up it looks way too cold to go swimming though.

Ms M said...

Thank you, Shell. And it does make a roaring sound; the water comes out with amazing force.

Thank you, too, Dive. And, yes, it's way too cold to go swimming now. During the heat of summer, people ride inner tubes and rafts on part of the river to cool down.