Thursday, October 21, 2010

Like Sisyphus?

During the last few weeks, these guys have constantly been scaling the windows. They slip, struggle, waggle one leg about, climb a little higher, then, finally fall to the ground. If they make it to the top, there's no reward that we can see.

Maybe it's a calling from Grasshopper Mind....


Shell Sherree said...

Hee hee, I didn't realise he was climbing at first and thought he was doing a dance.

Ms M said...

At times they do look like they are doing a dance.
They will be gone soon, as the weather becomes colder.

Katie said...

I thought he was wearing little shoes at first! Very cool close-up photo; so many interesting details of his intricate body. Do they make noise?

Ms M said...

It does look like he's wearing shoes :)
They make a "singing" noise by rubbing their legs on the hardshell cover of their wings.