Yesterday morning, when it was around 2 degrees, a 10 year old boy was found with his tongue stuck to a metal pole. A woman driving by noticed him standing there alone and figured out what had happened. She called 911 and some friendly firemen with cups of hot water came to free him. He had been walking to school with friends......you can figure out the rest of the story.
Ah, c'est la vie, especially when it comes to le temps.
Ah, 62 degrees. Those were the days! Pretty photos of KS; I'd happily sit by that lake in the sun if it were 62! Too funny about that kid in Boise licking a pole. Hasn't he seen "A Christmas Story"? I wonder if he was double dog dared to do it.
having its own minds
in flux constantly
we who can be tunnel-
minded marvel at it: caught up
in the un
ability of it: Sing of weather,
fair-weathered & true
friends, sing of the
ever-changing, supposedly
reported, predicted -
it changes us even as you read
& see this Kansas
without any more certainty
Yes, Katie, longing for those 62 degree days. It's supposed to warm up a little over the weekend; fingers crossed!
If the kid hasn't seen A Christmas Story, I'll bet he will this year!
Thank you, Anon, for your "weather song", tones of which echo across the water here and in Oz.
I bet was double dared. Too bad his friends left him. Hope he learned his lesson.
Moosh, thanks for stopping by. I hope he learned his lesson, too. Maybe he needs some new friends...
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